K2 EMF Meter Caza Fantasma
K2 EMF Meter Caza Fantasma
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El EMF Meter es una herramienta esencial para cualquier persona interesada en rastrear fantasmas y actividades paranormales. Este práctico dispositivo detecta campos electromagnéticos (CEM) en el entorno, que pueden ser causados por fantasmas y otros fenómenos sobrenaturales.
Con el medidor EMF puedes detectar fácilmente la presencia de fantasmas y otras actividades paranormales. El dispositivo tiene una pantalla fácil de leer que muestra la fuerza de la señal EMF. Cuanto más alta sea la señal, más probable es que haya fantasmas u otras fuerzas sobrenaturales presentes.
El medidor EMF es compacto y portátil, por lo que es fácil llevarlo contigo en tu cacería de fantasmas. El dispositivo funciona con batería y es fácil de operar, incluso para principiantes.
Si está buscando una herramienta efectiva para detectar fantasmas y otros fenómenos paranormales, el medidor EMF es la elección perfecta. Con sus medidas precisas y características útiles, es una herramienta indispensable para cualquier cazador de fantasmas serio.
Received it two days ago and while it was smaller than expected, it packed a punch. The lights are very bright, it doesn't make a sound and the only thing it detected after pointing it around the appartment for a while, was a single plugged in plug for my fairy fountain. No other electronics seemed to give of anything, I don't know if that is good or bad but at least my fridge isn't haunted I guess so my snacks should be save. The cat isn't either btw. she curiously inspected the EMF while I was pointing it around.
All in all a neat little device and I'm pretty happy with my purchase. Also cat approves because it's silent.
"Classic" and excellent tool. It just works. :-)
I ordered and paid for this 2 weeks ago but still haven't received it. would either like my money back or want to know where my package is
yours sincerely
Rick Kluter
Dear Rick, thanks for the 1* review. We can see that the address you have provided was incorrect, you forgot to add your housenumber. The order was shipped, but will not be delivered because of this.
I am not using the KII to "detect" anomallies, but mere to rule out any obvious disturbances. Works perfect!!
I bought this for my crush (she’s a big fan of ghost hunting) and she seems to be really really happy with it!